Thursday, July 21

Hoops From Helen

This spring Hank helped
organize Hoops From Helen,
a basketball tourny
that raises funds for a local charity, "Hope From Helen".
Families facing expenses
incurred due to an illness, are the receipients.
If you would like more info,
please click on the title for this blog
entry and find out more!

Wednesday, July 20

the Mastiff puppy

At six months she is almost as big as Earl. He weighs more now, but she may be 30 pounds more that he when full grown. She is a Neopolitan Mastiff, and she is a sweet girl.

Tuesday, July 19

new girl friend

Sydney is the new puppy on the block. She's 6 months old, and this was her first boat ride. I showed her how to eat jelly fish and run in the water.


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