Sunday, September 5

swimming the channel

Following beside Hank, Dad and I swim over to the island.

going back for Dad

Saturday, September 4

the passing storm

Our Earl is a strong yet gentle and obedient animal. When we heard that this storm was named "Earl" everyone made mention that with a name like that it would be too laid back to do any damage. For the most part Hurricane Earl was a lot like salty dawg Earl...

As it turned out, the hurricane, pronounced "hairikun", just passed us by. We didn't get but a few drops of rain. Still, I did my annual "storm cleaning", not to be confused with spring cleaning. And we went through the drill of moving all the porch furniture in, and anything else that could go airborne in a tropical breeze.

Hank took these photos Thursday 2 September.
Almost as many people came to see the ocean, as they do on a bright sunny day. There was a traffic jam heading off the island at sunset.

Thursday, September 2

Hurricane Earl

since Earl has come to live with us, this is the first storm threat we've had.
...and it's moinker is "Earl". The most laid-back gentle labrador, now has a storm named after him.
Last hurricane season produced nothing that headed toward our coast.

As of now (2 Sept) this a strong storm.
Hopefully that northerly turn will happen soon.


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