Tuesday, May 18

Guarding the nest

We have a dove nesting in the arbor. She is hidden by the roses.

Monday, May 17

Dad's Helper

When Dad works around the house,

I am always right there to help out. Looks like he could use some help here.

I observe very closely. Now, that looks like we have taken care of another household repair.

Sunday, May 16

Guess who this is?

It's Ella under that lamp shade! She's always getting into something, like the time she ate the razor blade. But this time I am the culprit. Or part of the problem. I stayed at her house while my yard got new grass. I wonder why we need a new lawn? Anyway, Ella and I played rough all day, hours and hours outside. After I went home, she began scratching and itching face where I had been pulling her around by her jaws. She broke out and need this collar to keep her from
ruining her complexion. Now I can't see her until she is all healed.


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